• Junyuebearing01@hotmail.com
  • Skype:dacbearing

Application of Shperical Roller Bearing in coal industry

Coal mining machinery equipment is a large-scale machinery equipment used for mining, conveying and transportation in coal mines, including mining machines, conveyors, tunnel boring equipment, underground auxiliary transportation, vehicle equipment, mine winches, ventilation and dust removal equipment, and coal washing Equipment, cranes, special vehicles, etc.

DAC_副本.pngDAC /JUEYUE Bearings in coal production must have  the following characteristics:

1. The working environment is harsh, and the equipment is always surrounded by dust, water vapor and harmful gases;

2. The working conditions are harsh, most of the mechanical equipment is working under high speed, heavy load, vibration, impact, friction and medium corrosion conditions;

3. Long running time, most of the machinery and equipment operate continuously for many years, day and night;

4. Poor lubrication conditions. Due to the harsh environment, harsh working conditions, and short downtime, the mechanical parts cannot be well lubricated and maintained.

Therefore, the economic losses caused every year are astonishing. Only by selecting the correct bearings, performing regular maintenance, timely maintenance, improving the quality of maintenance, and ensuring that all production equipment is running in good condition, can the wear of coal mine machinery be reduced and its use extended. Longevity, effective measures to achieve high coal production, high efficiency and safe production, can mine operators ensure high productivity and enable the equipment to reach the expected service life.

Spherical Roller  Bearing from JUEYUE is competant for any extreme condition

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